Saturday, November 15, 2014

Guatemala: A Photo Blog

I'm super sad to leave Costa Rica but at the same time I'm super excited for Guatemala because I'll be meeting up with Steph for an unique volunteer week. When I was researching about potential volunteer opportunities, I knew that the most important feature I was looking for in any organization follows the principle of: "Teach a man to fish, he'll learn to live. Give a man a fish, he'll starve." 

On top of that, education has always been important to me and my family. So when Steph told me about the opportunity to build a secondary school in the town of El Paredon as part of the Surf for Life Foundation, it was an easy decision to join her.


A week has flown by. I wrote the stuff above while I was flying into Guatemala, and before I even have a chance to finish it, I'm now flying out. So instead of a big long blog, here is Guatemala in photos:

Happy to be on the "big" plane (12 pax) instead of the even smaller plane here

On my way to Guatemala

View from our bungalow

1st sunset at El Paredon

Building la escuela

Front of la escuela, all leveled

Back of la escuela, rebar is my favourite

Even Elmo is tired building la escuela

Reading time with the kids

Book of the day: Lorax

Loveliest kids

Activity time

Sleepy boy

Waiting for dinner at Paredon Surf House

Challenge accepted

Tuesday football night

Go Ben!


Muchos pesces, muchos canguros

Volcano land


Hotel Palacio Chico


Center plaza

Cobble stone roads

No Golden Arches here

Christmas all year round here

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