Friday, November 21, 2014

Patagonia by the Number, Part 1

Number of:

Countries visited: 41
(Guatemala was #40 and Chile is #41)

Even my coffee art foreshadowed my travel to South America

Friends traveling with: 2
(Aimee and Cory wants to be famous so obviously I have to mention them in my blog)

Hours for Aimee and Cory to fly from SF to Punta Arena, our first stop: 27
(SFO to El Salvador to Bogota to Santiago to Punta Arena)

Hours of bus rides before arriving Torres del Paine: 11
(Including a side trip to see penguins)

Minutes for our guide, Rodrigo, to point out the high maintenance one in our group: 30
(Hint: it's not me and her name doesn't start with an A ;P )

Days without Internet/Wifi: 4

Good meals: 2.5
(Hotel Ilaia's homemade jam, granola, and ciabatta for breakfast were delicioso! Mesita Grande is a great restaurant in Puerto Natales. Otherwise, why hasn't any travel guide warned us about don't come here for the food!)

Hot showers: 3 and Lukewarm showers: 2

Pisco Sour consumed: 0.5

Complaints about the bad coffee (aka brown water): 21
(Only Nescafé in a pouch)

Times blown away by the scenery: 100+

Times actually blown away by the wind: 2

Nicknames collectively: 11
(Big Bird, Mama Sherpa, RBF, Nerd Slut, Jock Slut, Baller, Glacier Lady, One Pace Wonder, OPW, Fifi, Gigi)

Nightmares by screaming roomie: 2 and Times she was "shushed": 1

Times the phrase "That's what he/she says" was used: 25

Times I said "TMI": 6
(Enough said)

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