Friday, November 7, 2014

Top 5 Highlights at Costa Rica

It's Friday and my time here in Costa Rica is coming to an end. Got to pack up tonight and head to the next destination tomorrow. There are so many adventures and travel stories during the week that I wanted to share but my creative genes (or lack thereof) can't quite keep up with the blog writing, so I'll just keep it succinct to a top 5 list.

5: Being one with nature. There are endless outdoor activities here. Even the houses here are designed with an outdoor element. Nothing is really fully enclosed. 

Plus we can tell that all the food are locally grown and so fresh that we can taste the freshness.

4: Surprised by the tremendous progress in my Spanish in two short weeks. One of the staff here told me when I arrived on the first day that I'll be speaking Spanish by the end of my stay. I'm glad that I didn't bet against her.

3. Getting on the surfboard on the first day of surf lesson, and catching a couple of my own baby waves. Still very much a work in progress but I've learned to be patient with the waves and patient with myself in surfing as well as in life.

2: I played with real fire! After two weeks of poi class, our poi teacher actually thought that we were ready to light up. It was so amazing and frightful at the same time. I'll post the video of our poi teacher demonstrating how it's done on FB (another technical difficulty: don't see the option for posting video from the blogger app on the iPhone). The simple act of believing in ourselves can be the difference in everything we do from poi to any other endeavours.

1: The amazing people, both travelers and locals, I've met on this trip. Tonight we went to dinner at Los Artistas, one of the highly recommended restaurants that just re-opened up after being closed for the "green" season, which as a side note, has the coolest restroom.

When the evening ended and it's time to say goodbye, there was this incredible urge right in the gut wanting to hang onto the last two weeks and keep the experience forever! Amazing place, amazing people! Pura vida!

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