Sunday, November 23, 2014

Patagonia by the Number, Part 2

Number of:

Times Cory asks for the credit for Chile by the Number: 11

Kilometers hiked: 71
(We hiked the Classic W Trek, but in non-classic reverse direction, starting from Grey to Cuernos to Torres. I would highly recommend this way otherwise it seems anti-climatic the other way.)

Times we said "Hola" to other trekkers: 1,000
(There were travelers from all over the world. It's definitely not an off-the-beaten path destination.)

Cuernos: 3 and Torres: 3
(After 4 hours of hiking, the fog cleared up for just long enough for us to see the Torres del Paine.)

Charlie's Angels that survived the W Trek: 3
(No angels were eaten by puma.)

Photos to come: 101

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